Wednesday, February 26, 2014

**Venus de Medici**

.....Venus de Medici at the Majestic Theatre....
..........................San Antonio Texas ....

....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
.....5 images above are from Aug 2006.... 6 images below are from Feb 2014....
....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
. 3 images below are from 1989....
..I have three blogs..
..the others are 
.. ..
..things I make..

.. ..

..this blog is moremud.blogspot.. 
..people places and things.. 


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

..Hog Haus 50 TT Panhead..

.....Hog Haus 50 TT Panhead....
..........................feb march 2009....

....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
..I have three blogs..
..the others are 
.. ..
..things I make..

.. ..

..this blog is moremud.blogspot.. 
..people places and things.. 


Wednesday, February 5, 2014


.....artwork of Boris Artzybasheff..1899 - 1965..
..........................from x-ray delta one....
.during WWII he served as an expert advisor to
.the U S Dept of State Psychological Warfare Branch 
....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
..I have three blogs..
..the others are 
.. ..
..things I make..

.. ..

..this blog is moremud.blogspot.. 
..people places and things.. 
